If we compare with the forestry industry, for example, in the last budget, just to give you one little tidbit, the forestry industry got $160 million over two years. For what? For innovation and marketing.
We have the Canadian Mining Innovation Council sitting there—it's an embryonic thing—needing help, needing finance, and of course, there's nothing in that budget. We're still working on that, but we've got to get some federal government money, big time. We need the government to recognize that governments in Canada are underfunding mining innovation by about $30 million a year.
I could go on about forestry. It goes on and on and on. I mean, I guess you have to be a loser, if I can say that here, because the forestry industry doesn't seem to be prospering at this time, as many aren't. But one wonders about the future. We're not wondering about the future of the mining industry.
It's a bit like the biotech people who were here today. They see a great future, but we can't come out of this with our capacity to innovate and to commercialize destroyed.