Mr. Vincent can supplement my answer.
I would say that the federal government is currently giving QWEB an enormous amount of help in opening other markets. We are currently operating in China and trying to add a wooden storey to their small concrete houses that would capture humidity and could play a promising role in promoting health.
In Europe, we've made a few breakthroughs, but it's not easy because Europe is self-sufficient, or virtually self-sufficient. It's the Russian market that should be monitored to see what is going on. We know that there was a channel through Finland for distributing products around the globe, and perhaps we should talk to environmental groups. Instead of fighting here where forests are growing, like in Canada, North America and Europe, these groups should mainly attack areas that are becoming deforested, where they're going to be looking for an enormous amount of wood. There are countries that are in a state of deforestation, and nothing is being done. It would be useful if we could ask environmentalists to get involved in the short term.