Yes. The value-for-wood program and the FPInnovations program are very good programs. As I said earlier, we'd like to see them on a longer basis than two years. It's hard to develop those kinds of programs. They take time, and if you don't know you have consistent funding, that's a problem.
The other piece of the R and D, though, is that these flow-through tax credits, which Mr. Bouchard talked about and which are in this motion, are essential. We don't seem to have gotten it right yet, but it would be nice, for the money that industry does use, to be able to flow that through for future years, carry it forward for future years, or be able to write it off immediately. All our competitors do this, by the way. The Scandinavians do it; the South Americans do it; the Americans do it. We should be looking at better fiscal tools to promote the R and D. So it's a combination of both.