To follow up a little bit on what Mr. Lajeunesse said, if I understood the panel correctly, apart from ISS and IRB, I think what you're saying is that when government puts out an RFP it should be identifying a set of requirements that have to be met, as opposed to identifying more or less a product already. I think that is what is being said, just to add to the discussion there, Mike.
I'd like to focus on IRBs and ISSs a little bit. When the government does go out with a contract to a foreign company and IRBs result from that, I'd like to hear, Claude, your opinion on whether the IRB process is one at the moment that by and large helps the aerospace industry, in the sense of yes, it does provide jobs for a certain amount of money that the IRB is obligated to provide, but does it offer us the opportunity to climb up the innovation scale in terms of developing new capability, or should it?