I agree with regard to the aerospace caucus. We are all extremely pleased. We really like the members of this caucus and we know that they are knowledgeable about this sector. We have been monitoring these issues together for a long time, Mr. Bachand.
I would like to briefly talk about the ACAN contracts. I'm not here to talk about government decisions concerning the urgency of the situation. However, we are talking about very, very long-term contracts. We want to benefit from spinoffs from such contracts, which are supposed to be dollar for dollar. We all need to be extremely vigilant in ensuring the quality of what comes out of that. Companies do what they can, but they rely heavily on government assistance. The team at Industry Canada does a good job of following up, and both the current government and the opposition parties need to continue to support it. I would repeat that these contracts are spread out over 20 years and we need to give ourselves some time. We always want things to happen fast, but these are long-term contracts.