Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for all the presentations today.
I want to start on the issue of Technology Partnerships Canada, which I think was an extremely successful program. I can say this with some experience from my own riding. Messier-Dowty is in my riding, and I had discussions with them and saw how it impacted their operations.
Obviously the program was terminated with the idea of replacing it with a new successor program. I know that the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada made some proposals in that regard, and I'd like to explore that. Certainly it's my hope that the government is going to be replacing this program with a new program.
I wonder if you can talk about a few items.
First of all, can you talk about the success of the technology partnerships program, as you've seen it, in aiding our competitiveness in the aerospace industry and ensuring that we have been successful?
Secondly, how would you like to see it structured differently? In other words, what improvements would you see to that particular program to help your industry going forward?
Thirdly, I know there was a portion in the position paper--this speaks to the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, in particular, but Mr. Bain or Ms. Core may have some comments as well--with respect to the suggestion that a portion of new funding should flow through existing...or the newly created defence and R and D programs. Can you provide the rationalization for that particular recommendation?