Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
You made an excellent presentation. I'm going to ask my questions right away to speed things along.
Can you explain to me the difference between assistance for basic research in a sector such as yours, and commercialization needs?
When the Minister of Industry appeared before the committee two days ago, he told us that the government was already doing everything necessary for research and development, but he was referring to basic research. So I'd like to know if another component as important for you must be developed.
Then I'd like to hear your opinion on the potential purchase of four Boeing C-17s, without a call for tenders. How do you react to that? How do you view that possibility? Is it a good idea or not?
My last question is more technical. The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security is considering amending regulations on the missile control system applicable to Canada. As a consequence, that would break the procurement chain. So each time a U.S. company called on a Canadian supplier, it would have to issue a licence. I'm told that would result in the issuing of thousands of export licences in Canada. So that would break the North American market.
I'd like to hear your opinion on that subject. Do you think the Canadian government is reacting enough to this situation? Would you like the committee and the minister to take a policy position toward the Americans on this question?
You can take my remaining time to answer.