Yes, I would very briefly.
I'm also a successful recipient of TPC. Actually, it was the first amount of money that was put in to develop a Canadian-produced star tracker product with Kel Corporation. I'm familiar with the process and very happy to have that kind of funding available in Canada.
Certainly if you break research and development down into big R major research, little r close-to-development research, small d and big D research and development, I see TPC filling the small d, big D part of that component, which is essential for us to be competitive in the marketplace.
The only thing I would add to the answer to your question of how it could be improved is that there are certainly components of TPC that went to smaller companies, but there were large budgets that went to large organizations. I would just encourage you, as I said in my opening remarks, when you are allocating large amounts of money to major manufacturers or integrators, to ensure that there's a certain component of that, however you want to structure it, directed towards developing our own local technologies in our own local companies.
The SMEs tend to wait at the back end of this to say,“Please, can I have some of that development?” and we don't really want them to be in that kind of position. When there's $700 million allocated to a major corporation out of TPC, sure, that's a great headline and that's good news, but the bigger concern, as far as the AQA is concerned, is being responsible for SMEs. I would like to see that flow down to the SMEs in a structured way, and that's the only way our SMEs are going to get out of being mom and pop shops. They have to get there if they're going to continue to survive.