Thank you. I'll answer in English.
For the first question, as I said earlier, I prefer to break research and development down into four categories: big R, which is fundamental research; small r, which, if you look on a scale of 1 to 10 of technology readiness levels, is getting further up the scale; little d, which is something that has gone beyond the point of basic research and is nearly at the point of being a product; and then big D, which is essentially commercialization. Every single component is critical in the life cycle of both the company and the products it supports. In fact, that's all a company is: the products that it puts forward and develops.
If I understand the question correctly, it's important to differentiate among those, first of all. I think it's very critical that the government and the funding agencies recognize that each one of those has to be treated differently. You have truly scientific research that is at the base of technology development, which must be continued, and we have excellent resources in Canada and in Quebec to do that, and they have to be encouraged.
On the development side, that's when you're starting to get more into productization, where it gets a little bit closer to marketing or positioning of a specific product. That's the point at which, historically, we've seen TPC or other previous incarnations of TPC play a role. Each of those components needs to be treated differently, and each of them has different needs and different challenges.
Fundamental research means oftentimes having colleagues that spend a lot of time at NASA and work for the NASA Langley Research Center. Fundamental research is so far off from where we can see it will be in the future that it sometimes can get lost, but it shouldn't. Development of a product sometimes looks so much like marketing that it's hard to tell the difference between actual marketing and actual development of a product; they go hand in hand.
All I can say is that any type of forum you want to put in place to fund those things should be put in place, as I said in my opening remarks, in collaboration with industry and the associations working together to help you understand how to define those things. If there is a forum, then we can share evaluations of these things and give inputs to those. It might help you reach a more informed decision. Every aspect needs to be encouraged.