First of all, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry for the delay in starting the meeting. We started the last one a little late. I think in the interests of members it's an important topic for us, so there are a lot of questions. I suspect there will be for you as well, so I'm hoping I can impose on your time and members' time, for those who are interested, to have the full 60-minute meeting, if that's okay. If anyone does have to leave, I certainly understand that.
We are doing this as part or our study of the manufacturing sector and two of the most important industries in Canada today. We did auto in the first hour, and now we're doing the aerospace industry. We have four witnesses here representing two associations. My understanding is that there will be two presentations of up to 10 minutes each.
First of all, we have, from the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, Peter Boag, the president and chief executive officer, and we have the vice-president, Ron Kane. Welcome, gentlemen.
We have, from the Quebec Aerospace Association, Stewart Bain, board member and president of the advisory council; and Sharon Core, the manager of business development and communications. Welcome to you as well.
I think we'll start in order. We'll start with the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, for a 10-minute presentation.