Second, on the tax on capital investment, my understanding, based on what the researchers are telling me, is that this is a tax on capital goods for production processes supplied on a corporation's capitalization. But this has been mentioned by a few witnesses. So could you provide some background as to exactly what you mean and what level you would like it at to be competitive with other forest industries across the globe?
Also, with respect to the investment tax credit, I don't know if you have something specific in your package on that, but you could submit something specific on it to us if you want.
Third, on black liquor and the capital cost allowance, the capital cost allowance issue has been raised by a number of witnesses. The CME has advanced a two-year write-off period. Is that acceptable to your industry or would you like something different from that?
On black liquor, and renewable energies as well, if you have anything further.... Actually, I was in a plant in Prince George and I saw black liquor. It was explained to me exactly how—