To add to that, at the ground level, where our companies operate in distributing gas and electricity, etc., we have very active programming with our industrial partners and our commercial accounts. All of the work that goes on in trying to drive energy efficiency through the industrial structure is through a partnership approach. Our systems examine how they might be able to assist through smart metering, different rate programs--ways in which the customer can tailor his energy buy in such a way as to minimize or optimize his costs. If you want absolute, 100% reliability, you'll pay one price. If you're willing to be on a merit order when supply is very tight and there have to be cutbacks, then you pay a different price.
Every industry, of course, has different needs. Some need 100% reliability--100% power quality, basically--and others are more flexible. It is a partnership approach, and if you want happy customers, then you have to work with them. That goes on at a kind of granular level.
We have some programming in terms of encouraging energy efficiency and working with federal departments and provincial settings to try to advance energy-efficient technologies into the marketplace.