In terms of the goods that you identified--agrifood, fisheries, coal, forestry, wood products, metals, chemicals, aerospace, auto parts, financial services, high tech--one concern is that there are a lot of primary products on that list. Again, the perennial concern in Canada is that we're relying more on primary products and as a result putting in danger some of our manufacturing sector, which is obviously the study of this committee.
In terms of the access for the goods above, you said you have qualitative studies. Is there something you can give us that would assure committee members we will be making some real gains, especially in areas like aerospace, auto parts, financial services, and high tech? The reason I ask is that a lot of people in those sectors have at least anecdotally expressed to me concern about this agreement.
Is there something you can provide to us that says we will be making some real gains if we sign an FTA with Korea?