There have been several failed attempts to try to get that on the agenda.
To your point, despite its economic clout, the industry is very much an orphan when it comes to a champion that coordinates all of its efforts. We don't have a home in Industry Canada. There is nobody at Industry Canada we can go to that will be a champion. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is often a champion, but they are typically very preoccupied with the issues around producers, so they're further up the supply chain, and that's what takes up a lot of their time. And then you have the regulator, of course, which is Health Canada.
In many respects, trying to get this issue on the political agenda in the last ten years has been very difficult, because the political agenda in health over the last ten years has been very much preoccupied with wait times and other health issues that in many cases are largely of provincial jurisdiction but that also have a national dimension. So getting on the radar has been very difficult, and that has eroded the industry. The industry has not grown, and that's why you're seeing some of the leading indicators that I've presented to you. I think what you've said and what you've suggested would very much help if we could coordinate the efforts.