With respect to industrial policy, in principle, there should be one in a number of sectors, in particular in the aerospace industry. There are comprehensive or sectoral industrial policies. Again today, 485 lay-offs were announced at Bombardier, 200 more are to come, and so on.
You talk about a plan. Mr. Georgetti, I've been hearing speeches on industrial policy for many years now. We've managed to invent a few, including one just before the election on the aerospace industry. It was tabled, but it's now in limbo.
When you talk about a plan, do you mean a sectoral plan? We get the impression that circumstances in the manufacturing sector are completely different from one another. A single plan can't cover everything. To determine what aid measures should be adopted, we should proceed sector by sector. Quebec made an attempt at that when Claude Béchard published his document. It amounted to a lot of verbiage and served no purpose.
Is there a model, in a sector or in a country, that we could draw on? I've been interested in politics for at least 25 years, and no one's ever come up with anything in this area.