You referred to the International Trade Tribunal. You also mentioned irresponsibility and ultimately a disgusting attitude.
In the case of the tribunal, with regard to the clothing industry, what is irresponsible is to have waited 15 months before saying that there was a vice of form. Workers had filed a complaint so that safeguards would be implemented. The tribunal took 15 months to respond that they did not have the necessary authority to do so.
You asked whether we should start by saving the industry. We think it's abominable that workers have to work with the employer in order to save the industry. The workers are ready to do anything in their power to save it. However, the government, at some point, has to do its share and intervene. For a few months now, I've been constantly asked whether wages are going to be cut and whether the collective agreement will be reopened.
If what we want is a race to the bottom, we're on the right track. But if we want a decent economy in a decent country, then we're completely on the wrong track.