I've never violated anything in my life, and, as a politician, I don't believe I've violated the Telecommunications Act. More seriously, I'll say that the work was done in total compliance with the existing act.
One section in the Telecommunications Act enables us to issue a policy direction. I can imagine that that woman was not aware that section existed. For the first time in the history of this country, we are issuing a policy direction to the CRTC to remind it that Canada is a capitalist country, a country of freedom, and that regulation must be as limited as possible, to allow market forces to play out, particularly in telecommunications. Businesses in this sector around the world are free to set their prices and provide their services.
We're asking the CRTC to act in that perspective. Whatever the case may be, I'll take note of your comments. I'm going to read the minutes of the debates on the subject and I'll speak to committee members again if I have other questions, then I'll prepare a report to Cabinet. We'll then decide on steps to take in the telecommunications file.