We all recognize the great economic situation in Alberta right now and the challenge of the potential loss of our skilled people here.
Nationally, the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters has launched a website, www.icosmo.ca--iCOSMO is an acronym for the Alberta oil sands. It's a matching service for buyers who are registered in Alberta and potential sellers from across Canada, and it is the particular interest here. So as we speak there are new companies signing on to this service, and the advantage for them is that they will have the opportunity to do business into the future.
A particular event we are promoting, which Nova Scotia is promoting here on December 12, is the opportunity for our manufacturers to get together to hear about a very large buyer-seller forum that will be held in March 2007 in Alberta. It will be comparable to trade missions that our governments often sponsor to other countries, except our firms from across Canada--and particularly from the east in my case--are going to meet with designated buyers of services in many fields that are supporting the oil sands. There will be a lot of attention on metal fabrication--the steel industry, as we've heard--but other areas too. So we're trying to make it easy for our local businesses to stay strong and build their businesses by taking advantage of the opportunities in the west.