I think in terms of the training, it's all-encompassing. Number one, you have to have a reason to train people. If you have a competitive business and sound business model, you will invest in training people. Our company invests a lot in the community colleges, and we have a lot of programs to develop workers. It's absolutely essential. With the new technology, we need to have better skilled people. That's basic, fundamental.
Today if you want to qualify for training dollars from the government, it's very complicated. You have to be on unemployment insurance to upgrade your skills in a lot of these cases. It's very bureaucratic. It's terrible. It's not efficient. It's not smart.
So we'd encourage a much more modern version of what we need to do to keep up today. It's too tiresome. We give up trying to apply to deal with the government on it because it's so bureaucratic. I come back to what was said a little bit earlier about talking about employees, and I think it's about more than just training people. We have to have a mindset that says we need to be more productive. We have to be able to say unionized or non-unionized doesn't matter, if you give some incentive pay. I personally think it should be encouraged.
The health system is killing the province of New Brunswick. It's killing us. It's taking all the free dollars. That's not unique to New Brunswick. We have to be more proactive. We have to get the employees to take better care of themselves. We need employers to encourage the employees to do that, and invest some of their own money. Maybe the federal government will help in that by allowing a tax rebate for the employer who says yes, I've committed x dollars per employee per year to encourage my employees to better health participation in certified programs.
I think those things are all part of training employees today for a modern country.