Because the labour shortage you describe is something that is only going to get worse. In 2007-2008 the oil sands will go into another major expansion; at the same time, there is a major public expansion to deal with the increase in people. There are 86,000 people predicted to move into the city of Edmonton over the next five years—and that's just Edmonton. The rest of the province is experiencing that type of growth as well.
So I compliment you, especially the CME, for setting up a program where you're actually linking manufacturers across the country. It's an excellent initiative. Secondly, I want to compliment you for your letter, which Mr. Lapierre raised as well. I think it's an outstanding letter, and the fact there are so many associations and industry groups willing to put their name to it is a very good sign.
You don't have to answer this now, Ms. Janega, but has any sort of costing been done of the recommendations on the SR&ED tax credit, the third recommendation, to make the credit refundable and exclude it from the calculation of the tax base, or is there any more specific information you can give us on that? We did have the finance department present on that and on CCA investments, but if there's any costing the CME has done on that, it would be very helpful for us.