Mr. CrĂȘte actually brought up a good point today--it was announced a while ago--about the bioterrorism act enacted unilaterally by the United States. It is going to add another service charge to trucks, regular passenger cars, and air traffic travellers who will be going across to the United States and will be starting very soon. I think something our government has to look at is in terms of defraying that cost, this non-tariff barrier being added under the guise of national security simply because a bunch of peaches went over five years ago and had some type of problem. Tomatoes and everything else--they may see these now as threats.
Perhaps I can quickly move the rest of my time to Mr. Hyatt. I had an opportunity to actually ask some of the automakers, the larger ones, about your situation. I want to make sure it's clear for the record that it is my understanding that General Motors is actually complying and providing the information you're seeking. Is that correct?