I think first of all you have to understand and get the people to the table to find out what their needs are, and I don't think there's been that push. I can remember years ago that at the time it was Herb Gray who was a sitting member in this community and he pulled together labour and also all the business heads with the chamber's involvement on trying to push forward what are the needs, what are the future needs, looking five years down the road even, what are your needs going to be. I don't think there's enough of that happening at this particular point in time, particularly in the Windsor and Essex County area.
I agree wholeheartedly that training is the aspect of the future. If we do not have the skilled workforce.... I think we pride ourselves in this community as having the skilled workforce, but it's always something that we have to challenge ourselves for in looking into the future and do more training to attack the future as it comes down our way, and to diversify if we have to in relationship, but never losing sight of what our base is, which is the auto industry.