I'll quickly address both aspects.
Image--it's almost become a cliché. If you walk down Ouellette Avenue, walk into any corner of this region in Windsor or in Essex County, there are businesses for sale, there are people out of work, there are families hurting. How do you change the image? You grow the industry.
When I say cliché, all we have to do is look across the border to Flint, Michigan. That has become clichéd, because Flint, Michigan, which was a growing economy, full of life, vibrant, and an economic centre, was destroyed because manufacturing was forced to move out. That is not a far-fetched scenario here in Windsor and in Essex County and in many other places in this province.
How do you change that image? You grow the business. You continue to reinvest. You create jobs. You work with your partners--CAW, your suppliers, and your entire value stream. It requires investment to create jobs. The image needs to be changed, because if we're going to attract young people, we need to have an industry to attract them to. Unless we invest in that industry so that it exists in the long term, we can forget about investing in any type of educational program.