There is a contradiction between what you said and the information in the information book that we received on the bill. I will read to you what it says about clause 2, subsection 347.1(3) at tab 4 of the English version, page 2:
This amendment sets out the procedure by which a province obtains a designation from the federal government. The designation shall be issued, upon request by a province, if the province demonstrates that it has legislative measures in place that protect recipients of payday loans and which include a limit on the total cost of borrowing.
The federal designation of a province is necessary to enable the exemption of authorized payday lenders from section 347 of the Criminal Code. The requirement to demonstrate the existence of applicable consumer protection legislation, including a limit on the total cost of borrowing, insures that provincial consumer protection measures are in place prior to enabling the exemption from section 347.
So there is a designation by the federal government, and it will come with certain conditions. This amounts to a type of mandatory blessing or trusteeship. There seems to be a contradiction between what you told me and what I just read from our information booklet.