Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'm still a little confused about what the opposition is actually asking. Is it that they want the minister to come and then they want to see certain witnesses called and then they want the minister to come back?
I'm also very confused, because when we started this process at the start of committee after the last election, we actually offered to do telecom first. Since June, the opposition has not put forward one submission of content saying they're against this action. I'd like them to clarify. Who has approached them? I don't see this as other than for political benefit.
This has been studied thoroughly. This is something the minister has looked at. He's well within his rights as the minister. We had 40 days sitting from June. We've had 30 days since December. We actually had plenty of time when people had the opportunity to write and give us their comments, and the minister is looking at and studying these comments, and he has made changes.
Why dither? Why continue to be a government of inaction? We want to move this forward. The telecommunications industry is a fast-paced industy. It needs to move forward.
There doesn't appear to be any upside to delaying this further, except for some type of political gamesmanship. I'd like to get some clarification on what they would like the minister to do and then on who has approached them. I haven't heard of one, other than consumer groups.
If you want to bring this forward, there was an Ipsos-Reid study done. If we look at what they found, they asked consumers, and 68% said the regulatory and policy changes are acceptable to them. And in Quebec, as a matter of fact, when you look at “very” or “somewhat” acceptable, it was the highest in the country at 75%. “Very” or “somewhat” unacceptable was at just 23%. This was an independent study. It wasn't put forward by us.
Consumers want this. Consumers see the benefit. Why delay something further that's already taken two years, with ample opportunity to comment and with a full panel of experts appointed by the previous government?
We are acting where they failed to act.