It's great to have you here, Commissioner, and congratulations, belatedly. I never had a chance to sit on this committee when you were elevated, and I want to take the time to thank you for the good work you've been doing.
There are a lot of documents and information here that have never been made public, although they've been shared. The order itself by the minister has a number of effects. The first is, of course, it would eliminate two very common tests that are used to assess market power, the first being market-share loss, and the second being evidence of rivalry, with a much more rudimentary competitor presence test.
Given the time it takes to argue or to bring before the bureau a case dealing with abuse of dominance, is it fair to say that these tests, including the fact that the competitor presence test, would no longer have a structured rule of reason paradigm? How do you propose to be able to stop or arrest an anti-competitive abuse-of-dominance situation in a given market, especially given that there's been no market analysis, which usually follows in every other OECD country prior to deregulation taking place?