Right now the Telecommunications Act calls on the CRTC, under section 34, to find as a fact, on a case-by-case basis, that sufficient competition is present to justify the granting of forbearance to a incumbent provider.
The telecom policy review admittedly says that section of the act should be replaced, but the way you replace that is through an amended piece of legislation. One test you could relate to this proposed forbearance order--the one Sheridan Scott was referring to--talks about various indicia of market power. But the problem is that the applicant gets to choose the test, and the test any applicant will choose is the one that isn't about market power; it's just about counting whether or not there are providers in the marketplace.
On the question earlier about what would happen in a rural or a more regional municipal setting, if small cable companies to which we'd provided the wholesale provider were looking to get into telecommunications and knew that as soon as they even existed in the marketplace the incumbent would be able to apply for forbearance, they'd be very hesitant to get involved. That's why we say that section is effectively replaced by this proposed forbearance order.