Let me come back, Mr. Intven, to what I understand the report of you and your colleagues to have done and to what is in fact before us from the minister.
I have cited a couple of examples in the fourth chapter, but I've also gone to the fifth chapter. Every one of those recommendations begins with a comment. In recommendation 5-1:
The wording of subsection 43(5) of the Telecommunications Act should be expanded to ensure that the CRTC has a clear power to resolve disputes....
I go to the next recommendation:
The CRTC should be empowered to resolve disputes over the terms and conditions of access....
Recommendation 5-3 begins:
The CRTC, prior to making an order to resolve a dispute....
I understand that these are technical regulations. I also understand these to be areas that your panel felt important enough to put in as a safeguard to ensure that we made the transition to the open market.
Given, as you have acknowledged, that the CRTC has been completely removed from this process, and given that the traditional role of the Competition Bureau, using the standard “rule of reason” test, as it normally does, has been set aside in favour of an untested “competitor presence” model....
Actually, I'm wrong. It was tested in the United States. The FCC has concluded that it has led to a decline in competition.
How can you be comfortable with what you now see before you? It seems to me that what they have done is not only taken the CRTC and thrown it in the wastebasket, but the order itself has now basically cherry-picked parts of your report.
Is it really possible to have the kinds of conclusions you wanted, given that so much, in a significant way, has been stripped away? I understand your point about new technologies. But I also understand those new technologies can take their place under the current and existing regime.
If we're going to set aside these things and throw away the safeguards, Mr. Intven, how can you even stand here and support any aspect of this order, given that it has done so much to run contrary to the very things you recommended?