I realize there are those who believe that any new creation of a government agency is per se a bad thing. What we recommended--and I regret that this has not been looked at more carefully to date, and I thank you for the question--was for the telecom consumer agency to be an industry-funded, industry-run, self-policing group under the supervision of the CRTC. It's a model that's worked well in other countries. It can work here and it can protect consumers, we believe.
Secondly, there's the TCT, the telecom competition tribunal. Somebody asked me how many people would you need to staff that, and I think the answer is about four people. You need an independent chair and you probably need a little secretariat function, and the whole idea is that the rest of the resources will come jointly from the CRTC and the Competition Bureau. You would actually take these two agencies that have wonderful expertise in their own silos and get them to put them together to work together to try to do that properly. So we do not see that as a major new regulatory body.