Thanks very much, Mr. Chairman.
I was going to ask you about foreign ownership as well, so I'm glad it came up. It seems to me that if you follow your line, which is that you support the free market.... I actually don't know what the “free market” is. It's something that's used a lot. There are regulations, and I think we're debating how many or how few. So as to all this idea of a free market, even under trade agreements we've seen the impact of that.
In terms of foreign ownership, I think a lot of people would be very concerned about the slippery slope and where that would take us. You're saying, well, we should not have restrictions on foreign ownership on the basis of carriage, but in terms of content, maybe we should. But it seems to me that we would be creating an environment where there would be enormous pressure, where we would be allowing huge multinational corporations to come into Canada with virtually no restrictions. It would be a deregulated environment, and then somehow we're going to say we'll still preserve Canadian content, while we're completely relying on these huge conglomerates that are foreign-owned.
I think that's something that is incredibly huge in terms of a direction that we would take, but is that something that you advocate, that we basically remove the restrictions on foreign ownership?