Thank you very much.
Industry Canada is currently responsible for spectrum management. As you know, in their report, the experts recommended that responsibility for spectrum management in Canada be transferred to another organization.
I am currently reviewing this whole issue from a broader perspective, as I am all the other recommendations. My Department issued a press release last Friday informing Canadians and industry participants that we would like to proceed with a spectrum auction. Various band frequencies are currently available, and we want them to be available to players here in Canada.
As you just said, we asked a specific question as part of the consultation, which was the first phase of a lengthy process. We will be consulting industry stakeholders with respect to the criteria for the auction. Following that, we will carefully consider their input. Finally, in early 2008, we will proceed with a call for bids on available spectrum.
The question is whether part of the spectrum should be reserved for new players. The debate is on. I have no preconceived notions as far as that goes. I await the recommendations and suggestions of people in the industry and various players with respect to whether or not the government should reserve part of the spectrum for new entrants.
There are also all the other technical details related to the auction. We are asking people in the industry to forward their comments and suggestions to us. This is a consultation process that will last 30 to 60 days. At the end of that process, in early 2007, we will call for tenders in order to make certain spectrum bands available on the market.