First of all, as a committee...I received a lot of recommendations. There were 127 recommendations from the expert panel. We're studying that.
You've had some hearings and you're going to have some hearings during the next couple of weeks. I will weigh that before going out in front of Parliament with a new Telecommunications Act or something like that.
This Telecommunications Act has not been revised since 1993, and I think we must have a look at this legislation. A lot of the recommendations by the expert panel are very important for the future of this telecom industry. It's why I'm asking you, as a member of the committee, and the committee as a whole, to give me some recommendations and to do a deep study on this sector.
I will be able to take that back and analyze it. In the near future our goal is to have legislation before Parliament. But I don't know when. I don't have any priority on that right now. The priority is to be sure that I receive the recommendations from this committee, and I will analyze that, and as soon as possible we'll make a decision as to whether we are able to bring the legislation before Parliament or not.