I call this meeting to order. This is the 45th meeting of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, and as per the orders of the day, we have with us the Minister of Industry, the Honourable Maxime Bernier. He is here to discuss, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), our study with respect to the deregulation of the telecommunications sector.
Welcome again, Minister, to the committee.
We'd also like to welcome two officials from the Department of Industry. First of all, we have Mr. Richard Dicerni, the deputy minister. Welcome, Mr. Dicerni.
We also have with us Mr. Ron Parker, visiting senior assistant deputy minister from the Department of Industry.
Minister, as you know, we've been studying this issue for a couple of weeks, and we look forward to your comments. You have at least a 10-minute opening statement, if not a few minutes more. We look forward to your comments and then we'll go immediately to questions from members.