Yes. I read that poll and I also have the poll that was done 12 months earlier and which said the opposite. I don't know if you are aware of it. So we have two polls that give conflicting opinions.
You are no doubt aware that the telecommunications sector is extremely complex. You have been meeting for a number of days to try and understand the ins and outs of deregulation, to understand the framework that has been brought forward by the CRTC, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, as well as the framework that has been brought forward by Minister Bernier.
I would be insulting your intelligence if I were to say that you felt consumers were expressing their opinion by answering yes or no when asked if they are in favour of deregulation.
In my opinion, deregulation is an extremely complex issue. It is hard to get your head around it, and you can't simply answer the question with a yes or a no. Unfortunately, it is probably difficult for many people to understand who is behind the scenes in all of these infrastructures, as well as the problems and the regulation that govern the telecommunications sector.
If you follow current events in Quebec, then you know that polls can be designed to say just about anything. We have to be very careful when using polls to write policy in areas as complex as telecommunications.