We have seen in the past that efficiencies defences have been used to create virtual monopolies, based not on a question of consumer welfare but on efficiencies within companies. Superior Propane would be the one predecessor to.... Ms. Sheridan Scott would be able to speak plentifully to this.
What guarantees do you believe could be forthcoming in the mere competition test? That is, a presence test that is, as far as I know, unheard of anywhere in the world. What safeguards are there for consumers if, at the end of the day, you simply have a recognition of a couple of players and leave it that way? It seems to me we've heard enough from people, not complaining because they'll be wiped out and because they're too lazy, but because the facilities by which they must compete will simply be pulled from under them. You're literally pulling the rug from under many of these companies and eclipsing the competition, as opposed to increasing it.