Yes, okay.
Let me go on to your other points. With regard to the natural gas industry, the impact of higher prices of natural gas on the Canadian dollar is more important because we have much higher exports of natural gas. In terms of the impact on the economy, it's also very positive when natural gas prices go up since the amount that we use is such a large fraction of what we produce, whereas with oil...and you know, in Quebec a lot of people suffer when gasoline prices go up. So there are a lot of negatives throughout the Canadian economy with a higher price of oil and a higher price of gasoline. It is sort of offset by the fact that, yes, we do export some oil, so that's why oil, in and of itself, has more or less a mixed impact. However, we're exporting a lot of natural gas and we export most of what we produce.
As to reinvestment in oil, I would say generally yes, the profits are being reinvested. In fact, many Canadian companies are making absolutely massive investments in the oil sands and there's a lot of reinvestment. As I say, that's what gets the economy going; it's when you get that investment. And investment is booming in the oil patch in the west.
Should we leave it up to companies? I would say definitely. I certainly wouldn't be in favour of the Government of Canada trying to tell the oil companies how they should reinvest their money.