Perhaps I can intercede as chair.
Is there a way of doing a majority report or even a unanimous report, if there is agreement on a certain number, and having other parties then say that these are other things we're concerned about, in a report, as we had originally intended? I'll just put that question. I think that's what Mr. Shipley said.
That's what I was trying to say, because the purpose of these two sessions was to give instructions to the analysts. So can I throw this out there? Of the twelve put forward by the opposition, if nine are in fact agreed to, we say this is what the committee recommends; then the Liberals can say they recommend these two, the Bloc can say they recommend this one, and the NDP can say they recommend this one, and we don't get into motions.
That's what I was trying to do from the outset. I obviously didn't succeed in that. So that's my wish.
We'll go now to Mr. McTeague.