If you don't mind, I'll answer that question in English, since it's easier for me and my answer will be clearer.
What I tried to do was present an illustrative example of where CIDA is engaged in health, and as I mentioned, we're not in every country. You named a couple of countries; as I say, CIDA can't engage in the health sector in every country, but in those countries in which we are very active, yes, we are helping them through their ministries of health and through civil societies that engage in health. We are very active and very engaged, both in dialogue and in providing support to present those means for those countries to be able to access medicines.
Absolutely, there continue to be challenges. You mentioned, I think, a couple of the poorest countries in the world. Those are obviously where the challenges are the greatest, where the health systems are not what they need to be and should be. Collectively, as a global community, we need to address those things, and Canada is participating in that.