Thank you, Mr. Chair.
One of the benefits of Parliament and this committee is Hansard. You get a chance to go back and review the past and how things were developed.
We hear more and more what a dog's breakfast this legislation really it, and how simple the solution could be. But it took 550 days to craft that piece of legislation and have it passed to become what it is today. We have to keep that in mind.
To the panel--and Ms. Devine, I'm particularly interested in your response—in that time were there any Canadian champions, either politically, bureaucracy-wise, or department-wise, who, once you got stuck at a certain point, helped move the log jam of what you were facing or identified the problem and brought some solutions back? Whatever comes out of the pipeline here, I'm concerned about whether or not we need to appoint some type of champion who will make sure this legislation moves and shakes throughout the world--if it actually does work.