Thank you very much, panellists. It's been very, very informative.
One of the things I think we need to get further information on as a committee is specific recommendations as to what you would collectively, or individually, envision as changes to the legislation. If possible, if not at this forum, could you submit specific recommendations to the chair.
I know the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network has done so in their presentation. If there's anything further, it would be extremely helpful to us, especially if done in an expeditious fashion. If there are specific things you can put forward right now, they would be very helpful to us.
I would like to follow up on Ms. Perkins' advice. Basically, if I remember correctly, Ms. Perkins, you just suggested we should not request or expect importing countries to contravene their own laws. Is there anything specific being recommended here that would put Canada in contravention of WTO TRIPS requirements and the specific provisions within the waivers they have allocated or granted?