Thank you very much, all of you, for the work you do to save the lives of the voiceless. I've been a big admirer and supporter of what you do, so thank you, and thank you for being here.
Just as a preceding comment, we all know, and I hope we put it in this context, that unless we have the medical personnel, unless we have the clean water, the adequate nutrition, the diagnostics, and the integrated health care system required in order to roll this out in an appropriate fashion, then we're not going to do what all of us are here to do, which is to ensure that this sick patient is going to get the care they need when they need it, and that it's affordable.
To whoever is here from CIDA, I hope we put this in the context of Canada taking a leadership role to fulfill those health care human resources, and the diagnostics and other components required to fulfill this.
I have a couple of questions. The first one I had posed to Mr. Lewis.
Let's say Canada were to change its legislation in such a way that both brand name companies and generic companies were able to compete in an RFP that was directed by CIDA. So CIDA would put out the RFP for medications for a particular country, and whoever wanted.... If it's the brand names, they fill it. If it's the generics, they receive a compulsory licence and they fill it. But that connects the group with the financial resources with the group that can actually manufacture. Would that not be a way of actually rolling out the medications to the countries that need it?
Second, to Ms. Devine, what would prevent you from being able to work with Mr. Kelsall to get the medications you need for the excellent work that MSF does? Because in the case of Mr. Kelsall's group, Health Partners, we were able to get $19 million worth of medications—it's a beautiful partnership—post-tsunami in Southeast Asia within two weeks. If Mr. Kelsall had the resources from the Government of Canada, MSF could work together with him, and he would be able to fulfill your group's needs on the ground. Is that possible?