The question that was put was philosophically how do you characterize this? I find that very interesting, because that's the reflection process we're involved in. I would characterize it as three different types of violation.
First, it is a theft on the right owner. There's the reproduction of the trademark or reproduction of the copyrighted work. That's stealing intellectual property.
Secondly, and my apologies, I do not have the English term, but I would use the French term, une voie de fait. The translation services will probably reflect that on the transcript. If I were to translate that loosely into English, I would call it an attack on the distinctiveness of a trademark, which is separate from the theft of the trademark itself. You're diminishing the value of that trademark.
Thirdly, it is a deception and a fraud on the consumer and on the general public.
While it was not an answer to your question, the issue of law enforcement being proactive on health and safety, thank God. For things that are not health and safety, create more communications with law enforcement. Give rights owners better tools to fight this problem. But by the same token, be aware that rights owners are not there to police the values that we, as a society, hold dear.