Is it lucrative? It most certainly is—when I look at the difference between the cost of these wares and the price at which they're offered for sale, when I am able to get my hands on that information.
What are the consequences? They're absolutely minimal. In my written document, there's what is called the compensatory conventional damages that are set by the Federal Court. It's really an assessment by the court of an amount that's awarded by the court when no amount can be figured out. Those amounts are $3,000 for a street vendor, $6,000 for a retailer, and $24,000 for a manufacturer. It's nothing, and the consequences are very minimal.
Should a border be allowed to deal with counterfeits on its own initiative? Of course, with confirmation that the wares are indeed counterfeit, it absolutely should. Should it be able to be done at the request of a rights owner if the owner proves the wares are counterfeit? Yes, absolutely.