It certainly could work that way. In the area of regulated products, electrical, pharmaceuticals, there are violations of the law. Health Canada enforces other regulations. There are certainly avenues there.
But what we're trying to focus on, from the perspective of the Intellectual Property Institute, is that we want to make sure that Canada has good intellectual property laws. So it's the damage to the intellectual property itself, quite apart from any health and safety issues, quite apart from any other consumer fraud, false advertising, whatever, which may also be offences, it's the damage to the intellectual property, the damage to the good will of the company that produces Spider-Man, when the pyjamas are defective or any other product; that, from a trademark perspective, is what we care about.
From a copyright perspective, similarly, the rights of the owner are being infringed, quite apart from any other damage to the retailers who can't sell the DVDs because the pirated ones sell for half the price.