It's simpler than most people think. It's like anything else; when you don't know at all, of course it seems overwhelming. The reality is that just by looking at some simple indicia, you can tell if something is counterfeit or not. For example, you picked Burberry, you picked a luxury bag. I've been contacted by a combination of customs and the RCMP over many years and I've yet to find once where they've contacted me and the luxury goods have been authentic.
The reality is that the legitimate companies ship from point A to point B, and the counterfeiters don't ship from point A to point B, they ship to points C, D, E, and F. Customs have the ability to put the proper addresses in there, and then literally it becomes sitting at the computer. They just put in Burberry bags, they're coming from this city to that city, is that possible? It might be possible, but 99.999% of the time it's going to be counterfeit. That's the targeting aspect.
In terms of whether the item is counterfeit or not, we regularly conduct training sessions. Companies conduct training sessions. I'm starting one on Wednesday, in Calgary, for over 100 law enforcement personnel. Over 40 companies are represented. By the end of those three days, the people who are there will be able to tell whether the goods are counterfeit or authentic.