Yes, I think in essence it is difficult sometimes to understand who gets access to the program, in terms of paying premiums for perhaps a very long time. I'll readily admit I'm not an expert in the machinations of how the system works in terms of who's eligible and when they're eligible and those kinds of important questions. But the principle is that we started out with a program, and we've now changed the nature of the program so fundamentally that it's time to step back and take a hard look at it.
We did this in terms of the other component, the tax on labour and looking at the Canada Pension Plan in terms of payroll taxes. We took a long, hard look at that in the 1990s, and we made a very big decision for the country to change the nature of how we were going to fund it.
Whether you agree with the conclusions that were drawn from the reform there or not, at least there was a stand-back, good look at the system to decide what the objectives were and what we were trying to achieve.
I think we need to do that for EI.