Both Inco and Falconbridge operations are in my riding. As you can imagine, the community is very concerned about this. The position I'm taking on their behalf is that the Inco offer for Falconbridge was made October 11 and it took a long time to get approvals. They don't have approvals yet. To the community, it seemed like an unfair, unlevel playing field if we would rush the study of the Xstrata offer for Inco, whereas it took six months to get a response from the United States and Europe and it took some time to get the Canadian decision.
If the same amount of time was dedicated to the new offer, we couldn't argue the uneven playing field. But if it would go faster, we would see it as an unfair process, because there's another element to this. There's another company that is trying to buy Inco on the condition that they drop the Falconbridge offer. So this is becoming cumbersome, and the corporate games that are played are beyond my comprehension. I suppose it's beyond their own comprehension. But it seems to me there's an attempt here to circumvent normal process, and the way to assure a fair and level playing field is to assure that the first offer, which has been there since October 11, is dealt with.
So on behalf of my communities and all the people affected...there is an effect when there is a change of ownership. We saw it when Falconbridge was purchased by Noranda. It became an impersonal employer, and that's problematic when you're more or less a one-industry town and the employer becomes an impersonal employer, as opposed to a company like Inco, where most of the senior management have raised their families there, and in addition to making money for their shareholders, they have a vested interest in our community.
So we are very concerned, and we ask that the same time be allowed for this offer as was allowed for the original Inco-Falconbridge friendly takeover.
Thank you very much for allowing me to say that.