Thank you for your question.
On the first part of the question, on the 22 recommendations, I can assure you this government will follow 21 recommendations over 22. I think it's an important response from the government.
In the last budget we provided tax incentives to the manufacturing sector, such as the capital cost allowance. I said that previously.
We're investing in critical infrastructure. You asked us to invest in infrastructure because it's important and it's basic. If we don't have good infrastructure, goods cannot move across this country, as well as north to south or south to north. We're going to have an investment of $16 billion in critical infrastructure over a couple of years.
We also have a policy to improve and ensure that entrepreneurs will be able to have access to talented and skilled labour. We acknowledge that it's important.
We will be sure that the regulatory framework has an impact on entrepreneurs. If it takes time to fill out some forms and there are little details about regulation, it's not efficient. We want entrepreneurs to do what they do best, which is to create jobs and to be entrepreneurs, not to work for the federal government.
We're going to have a regulatory framework that is more competitive. We have a goal to cut the regulations in this country by 20%. I think it's something important. We want to have more efficient regulations.
We're also supporting technology, excellence, and innovation. I'm going to bridge the second question on innovation.
But before I do that, as you know, the paper burden for entrepreneurs is very important. The 20% cut is on the paper burden, not on regulation. I only want to be precise about that.
We will be supporting technology and excellence. How are we going to do that? We'll do it through the new science and technology strategy that we launched two weeks ago. I had the privilege to launch it with the Prime Minister and the finance minister.
We are investing $9.3 billion this year, and it's another important step for our government. In Budget 2007, as a government, we've said we're going to have new investment in science and technology of up to $1.3 billion over a couple of years. Science and technology is very important.
For your information, the most important thing in our strategy, the vision of our strategy, is very simple. Our vision is to have more innovation in this country.
What is innovation? Innovation is two things. First you must have a new idea, and, second, you must have an idea that is concrete and will solve a problem in the marketplace.
What can the government do to be sure that we have new ideas in this country? We must give the entrepreneurs all the tools they need to have, and we have the fiscal tool for that. We also want to be sure that when entrepreneurs bring new ideas into this market they are going to be able to keep the profits from these ideas in their pockets, without having to pay too much tax.