I want to emphasize that if and when Bill C-47 is passed, we will not be starting from scratch with the guidelines. I want to put you at ease there. There's been an enormous body of work done already on the guidelines—as much as we thought was reasonable and sensible, given how much impact this committee process must have on the law. Ultimately, that law will dictate to a large extent how those guidelines look.
What I can tell you is that we've done a lot of work. We've worked with the IOC and the COC and the CPC already. We've worked with the athlete groups and worked with the national sport organization groups to make sure that the core, the heart and soul of the guidelines we have, the architecture, already adequately reflects their concerns.
I can also tell you that as it pertains to education, we are already in the marketplace, to the extent that we can be in the absence of Bill C-47, educating the public as best we can. As to mechanisms, we are basically using industry segments, working with our partners, who might know their own industry segment well, and in addition working with their respective agencies and suppliers to make sure we can penetrate relevant sectors.
For instance, we're getting in front of agencies, communications and PR companies, to make sure that before they plan the communications platforms of their respective clients—in the pre-Beijing phase, as an example—they're informed of what allowable thresholds are with respect to aligning with the Olympic and Paralympic brands.
We're obviously quite well equipped already to launch our website. We have some material there already and we're quite keen, with this process coming to a close, on being able to make it more robust and to have more material available. We will also engage in above-the-line advertising, wherein we will actively communicate to the consumer what's real and what's not and why it's important to buy real and thereby fund athletes and not take money from athletes. In that sense, consumer awareness is a growing concern for us and a growing priority on our website as well.
Finally, I just want to emphasize that in our meetings thus far with athlete groups and sponsors with significant international experience, such as VISA and all the NSOs, we've had very positive feedback on our personality and our mechanisms for interpreting thresholds thus far.