I'll go quickly over to Mr. Jennings.
With regard to your deck here, on the back page you did have some comparatives. I would like to see Canada compared to other gasoline- and also oil-producing nations like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, as opposed to some of the ones that are on there. It would be interesting to get those comparisons, because there also may be comparisons with dual-pricing countries. I don't believe there's anyone in the deck here that had a dual-pricing country.
Could I quickly move to the question on your other chart here, with regard to the increasing refining and marketing costs. When you look at the comparatives here, it's a really good deck because it shows that the price of gasoline is just over...and then doubled, whereas federal taxes are fairly constant, just a bit increased, and provincial taxes are fairly constant. What's really significant is that there's almost a tripling of the refining and marketing costs and margins, including basically a significant jump even last year.
Has there been any explanation in terms of either refining techniques or any types of marketing requirements that have increased substantially from basically 1996 to 2007--